Soft as a Rock

Soft as a Rock provides coaching, courses, and easy-to-learn skills for anyone to feel calm and present when public speaking.

A new public speaking course and coaching program for artists, spiritual leaders, introverts, and anyone who wants to feel rooted and at ease when speaking to a group.

If you want to feel grounded and settled, whether talking spontaneously or in a formal setting, Soft as a Rock will give you what you need to speak confidently and easily.

Our Philosophy

You’ve expanded your talents and are ready to share your craft, your teachings, your art with the world.

  • Even when you prepare exactly what you want to say, the moment you are live on screen or holding that microphone, the sweaty palms and racing thoughts win. Your judging mind takes the driver seat and your completely lose focus.
  • You’ve figured out how to be loud and articulate like you think you should be, but it doesn’t feel authentic - and your product suffers.
  • Sometimes your words make sense but your mind is racing with self-criticism.
  • Everyone tells you your ‘performance’ was perfect - yet inside it wasn’t what you were hoping for.
  • You are ready to be grounded like rock.

Who Is This Challenge For?

Anyone who wants to show up with presence, whole self, sensitivity and vulnerability. Artists, spiritual leaders, professionals, PhD students - you can have lots of experience public speaking or it can be something very new to you. Even if you’ve been told you have to change your personality, this challenge will give you skills to make space to listen to your inner voice. This challenge is especially designed to lift up sensitive souls – people who feel reluctant to speak due to shyness or self doubt. It will be a good fit for you if you have some facility with your public voice, want to strengthen your public voice, or if you’re just getting started with public speaking in a new role.


Yes! I am ready to

  • Feel less physically nervous in my body while speaking
  • Be able to make eye contact and look at my audience
  • Reduce nightmares about public speaking
  • Feel less awkward after pandemic lack of socialization

If you would like to be notified about the next cohort, email

How much does the challenge cost?

Quartz - $299: This is our basic package. It includes access to the live course, the online learning platform, and all materials.
Granite - $999: Best Value. You will have the same access as Quartz, plus a three pack of 1-hour coaching sessions.
Marble - $2499: Our highest tier. You receive the same access as Quartz, plus a ten pack of 1-hour coaching sessions.

Will you do this again another time?

Yes, we start a new cohort every few months.

Do coaching sessions expire?

Coaching sessions expire one year after their purchase date.

Can I gift a coaching session to someone else?

Three-pack sessions are non transferable. Three sessions of a ten-pack are transferable to an individual; you cannot transfer coaching packages to an organization.


”Sarah is the rare teacher and trainer whose knowledge and wisdom is vast and deep but she somehow provides the space for your gifts to rise to the surface in each encounter. Her teachings have changed my life and my thinking. She is funny, wise and welcoming. Work with her and you will grow, you will be challenged, you will overcome your obstacles, and you will have a blast doing it.” —Yael Shy, Meditation Teacher, Author, and CEO of Mindfulness Consulting.

“Sarah is a master of the ceremonial arts and a great teacher. Her creative collaborative spirit allows her to soar! The Bar Mitzvah she performed for/with our son was a powerful public ancient/modern ritual that perfectly reflected our values and engaged our community in beautiful ways.” —Dr. Shamu Sadeh

”Sarah innovates and inspires. Sarah has vision, enthusiasm, and wisdom. She is a gift to our generation.” —Rav Kohenet Rabbi Dr. Jill Hammer

”Sarah combines great knowledge and passion with the skill, creativity and sensitivity of a gifted educator. Sarah loves life and imparts a spirit of adventure, engagement and fun to everything she does. Sarah is an activist in the sense of her willingness to see things in new ways and to risk acting to make her dreams into realities.” —Rabbi Sheila Weinberg

“I’ve witnessed Sarah address groups countless times. She has the rare skill (which can be taught!) of capturing the the hearts and imaginations of every individual and the group as a whole. Seamlessly weaving storytelling with delivering key information, her presence gently commands attention and her voice is gratefully received. —Adam Sher, Development director, Jewish Studio Project & former Director of transformative experiences at Hazon